Archaeology Lecture Series: Ethnoarchaeology of Fishing on the Florida Gulf…

Join the Central Gulf Coast Archaeological Society (CGCAS) in partnership with the Alliance for Weedon Island Archaeological Research and Education (AWIARE) for this annual lecture series on the third Thursday of every month, spanning diverse archaeological topics.

What can present day fisherfolk living on the Gulf Coast teach us about the fishing techniques of ancient Native American communities? A lot.

Ginessa Mahar, PhD Candidate UF, researches the archaeology of fishing along the Florida Gulf Coast using a method called ethnoarchaeology – the observation of present day people to help answer archaeological questions. Over the past 5 years she has been conducting archaeological and ethnographic fieldwork in the Cedar Key region; mapping sites, digging holes, interviewing local fisher folk, and participating in the creation of some great fishing stories! Mahar will also cover the antiquity of fishing in Florida, stretching back over 10,000 years, and reveal what secrets the archaeological record holds about Florida’s ancient fisherfolk.

For questions about this program please contact Weedon Island Preserve at

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