SEEDS Theme Leader Meeting

Join OPEN and leaders from the community gathering to create programming for the city intersecting sustainable-healthy food and urban agriculture!

Our next meeting is:

Tuesday, December 11th at 10:00 am. 

Parking: As you approach the main entrance to the building and its parking lot off of 3rd Street South, pull directly up to the gate to the parking lot and it will open automatically for free parking. If you arrive after 5:30 the gate will not open – simply park in the spaces directly in front marked “Visitor.”

Building Access: Someone from the OPEN team will be standing by downstairs in the main lobby to bring you up to OPEN’s space. If you are running late and miss us in the lobby, please call Jenny or Ben on their cell phones and someone will come down and let you in. 703-217-6126 (Jenny) or 727-686-6584 (Ben).

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