OPEN Conversation with Delaney Reynolds: Youth Vs State of Florida – by Duke Energy

Why is a wave of youth advocates using the law to take action against climate change?


In historic moves, kids are leading the charge for change by taking the government to court to ensure that a safe climate is a legal right for all Americans. These young people are working all over the country, and one of the strongest cases is right here in Florida. The plaintiffs are suing at state and national levels for a safe climate and a healthy atmosphere as a legal right

Join us for an OPEN Conversation with a presentation and panel discussion with some of Florida’s leading advocates. 

The presentation starts with Delaney Reynolds (19), college student, lead plaintiff in the Reynolds vs. State of Florida case who is known as one of the leading voices. Reynolds is a Marine Science major at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science who founded The Sink or Swim Project with its popular website, to educate and advocate for sea level rise and climate change solutions. 

The panel brings together:

  • Delaney Reynolds (19); lead plaintiff of Reynolds v. State of Florida.
  • Dick Jacobs (80); an attorney and nature photographer supporting the youth of Our Children’s Trust. 
  • Alexandria Hancock (32); Sustainability Coordinator with the City of St Petersburg.

Speakers will share stories about what inspired their work, the opportunity for social movements to embrace intergenerational collaboration, and the role of both youth and legal action in the climate crisis. 


Register now to learn from leading voices about demanding action and building resilience in Florida.


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