Games at The Dali: Open Chess

In conjunction with our Dali/Duchamp special exhibition, we invite you to Games at The Dali. On select Thursdays during the exhibit (February 10–May 27), we celebrate the game playing (and gamesmanship) of Dali and Duchamp, artistic giants and friends who shared a mutual influence, despite many superficial and aesthetic differences. From strategic chess moves to diversions of alter ego creation, these two iconoclasts engaged the world in ways both playful and thoughtful, irreverent and important.

Open Chess
Drop in to observe ranked Tampa Bay area chess players battle it out on the chess board throughout the day. Additional chess boards will be available for visitors to play spontaneous games as well. Members of the St. Petersburg Chess Club, Acor Chess Academy coaches and other area chess club members will be available to coach and answer questions about the game of chess.

Cost: Free (parking is free for members as available; $10 parking for non-members)
Location: Raymond James Community Room

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