ArtFlix: Marcel Duchamp – Iconoclaste et Inoxydable (Part I)
ArtFlix is a film series that features art related documentaries and feature films. In conjunction with The Dali Museum’s exhibition Dali/Duchamp.
Marcel Duchamp: Iconoclaste et Inoxydable
Directed by Fabrice Maze, this film is a great reference for those (re)discovering to Marcel Duchamp. With subtlety and infinite sensitivity, Fabrice Maze presents Marcel Duchamp in a new light. He dismisses the image of the intellectual cold, rigid, individualistic to show us a man of great simplicity, sensitivity veiled by modesty, a man who made his life a work of art.
Not rated (adult content)
Cost: Free (Parking is free after 5pm on Thursdays as available)
Location: The Will Raymund Theater
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