OPEN Aresty Speaker Robert Meyer on Why We Under-Prepare for Disasters at iCAR Conference 2019

Why do we consistently under prepare for high-consequence, low-probability events; especially when it comes to climate change?
Our ability to foresee and protect against natural catastrophes has never been greater; yet, we consistently fail to heed the warnings and protect ourselves and our communities, with devastating consequences. We fail to evacuate when advised. We rebuild in flood zones. We don’t purchase insurance. Why is our fear of “crying wolf” keeping us from sounding the alarm?
At this year’s Initiative on Coastal Adaptation and Resilience (iCAR) Conference; Robert Meyer, co-author of The Ostrich Paradox, and co-director of the Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center, will help us understand why, as humans, we are so poor at dealing with risk.
Mr. Meyer is a noted scholar whose research focuses on consumer decision analysis, sales response modeling, and decision making under uncertainty, assessing the biases and behavioral risk factors that lead individuals, communities and institutions to make grave errors that cost lives.
Tuesday, October 29th – as part of the Initiative on Coastal Adaptation and Resilience (iCAR) Conference
USFSP University Student Center – 200 6th Ave S, St. Petersburg, FL 33701
1:00 PM OPEN Aresty Speaker Robert Meyer: Keynote Address: The Ostrich Paradox
3:00 PM OPEN Conversation: Mayoral Resilience Panel ~ Perspectives from the Eye of the Storm II
Event is FREE and OPEN to the Public.
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