Archaeology Day at Weedon Island

Celebrate International Archaeology Day at the Weedon Island Preserve!

Examine ancient artifacts and discover the rich history of Tampa Bay at our celebration of International Archaeology Day at the Weedon Island Preserve!

The Alliance for Weedon Island Archaeological Research and Education (AWIARE) and the Central Florida Gulf Coast Archaeological Society (CGCAS) will be on-site with a diverse showcase of pre-Columbian artifacts from the Tampa Bay region and archaeological experts will be on-hand to illustrate the use of these tools and their importance to native populations. Also, check out the 1,100 year old dugout canoe on display in the Center and visit our free museum exhibit “Connecting People and Place” that tells the story of Weedon Island and its earliest inhabitants.

Local fossil collectors are encouraged to bring in artifacts such as arrow heads, lithics, pottery, pottery sherds, or anything else that might seem to have historical curiosity, for identification during Archaeology Day. No dollar value will be assigned or discussed, but educational information will be generously shared.

Explore the artifacts and talk with the archaeologists at your leisure anytime between 10am to 2pm. This event is suitable for all ages. The Center and its museum exhibits are open from 9am to 4pm.

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